As per https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/reports-publications/covid-19-pho-class-order-mass-gatherings.pdf, The BC Government Public Health Officer has now prohibited gathering of more than 50 persons until May 31, 2020. For this reason, along with the importance of protecting our members from acquiring or spreading infection, this year’s Passover Seder at the Harvest, which was booked for Wednesday, April 8th, will be cancelled.
We will close down the registration page on the website and those who have pre-registered and pre-paid will be refunded their payment.
Thanks to all those who have participated in the decision making and especially to the Harvest Golf Club for understanding our position of adhering to the BC
Public Health Dept’s recommendation. Thanks to Grant Waldman and Annik Moyal-Waldman for volunteering once again to lead the seder. Please book us for next year!
Perhaps, if anyone has the technical ability to host a community video seder, such as with Zoom or other technical websites, we might be able to sponsor such a video-seder. Any volunteers with technical knowledge who wish to step forth, please contact either [email protected] or [email protected].
At the conclusion of either a home seder or a virtual seder, don’t forget to add in, “Next year at the Harvest” as the very last line.
All subsequent programming at OJC will be delayed or postponed. Please keep informed as to re-starting of events with our weekly emails.
As an aside, the OJC is looking towards starting a group conversion class via video-conferencing hopefully within a few months. If you haven’t already signalled your intake to partake in these classes, please do so, so that you will be included in information which will be distributed.
Please note that we have arranged Passover Matzah and other products to be brought into three supermarkets in Kelowna. These are Urban Fare in the Mission, Save-On Foods at Orchard Plaza and now at Safeway Bernard/Downtown. Safeway Dilworth, who had previously brought in supplies is closed, and the downtown store has put in an order. Hopefully, products will arrive in the next week or so.
Please keep healthy and follow public health recommendation to prevent spread.
Steven Finkleman