Welcome back, Rabbi Russ!
Great friend of the OJC (and honorary Okanaganite), Rabbi Cantor Russell Jayne brings his beautiful voice and charismatic insights back to our sanctuary. What a great way to kick off spring break!
Join the congregation for a delightful Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Cantor Russ.
FRIDAY, March 15th
6:00 pm – Potluck Oneg Shabbat dinner (dairy pareve)
7:00 pm – Evening Kabbalat Shabbat service
SATURDAY, March 16th
10:00 am – Shabbat morning service
12:00 (ish) – Potluck Kiddush Luncheon (dairy pareve)
SUNDAY, March 17th
10:00 am – Sunday Learning Session with the Rabbi
Then, join fellow OJC members (and Rabbi Russ) as we cheer on the Kelowna Rockets on Saturday night. Get tickets here by Thursday, March 14