OJC Family Picnic & BBQ @ Okanagan Mission Activity Centre

Okanagan Mission Activity Centre 4398 Hobson Road, Kelowna

OJC's Community Summer BBQ Sunday, August 27th 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Okanagan Mission Activity Centre (Sarson's Beach House) 4398 Hobson Road Rd, Kelowna OJC will provide the pizza, juice, pop, water, plates, cutlery, napkins... You bring the non-dairy side dishes for everyone to share (salads, veggies, dips, etc.). Please RSVP using the form below […]

Shabbaton Week-end with Rabbi/Cantor Russell Jayne

Okanagan Jewish Community Center 102 Snowsell Road North, Kelown

OJC is very excited to welcome back to Kelowna Rabbi/Cantor Russell Jayne from Congregation Beth Tzedek in Calgary. Rabbi/Cantor Russ is well known to our Congregation having done several Shabbaton week-ends at our Centre over the years. The events are planned for the week-end of Friday, September 1 and Saturday, September 2. We are excited […]

OJC “Round the Lake” Bicycle Ride

Wood's Lake - SouthEast corner on Woodsdale Road

Don’t panic - this is around Woods Lake - NOT Okanagan Lake. This easy cycle, which we have done in the past, is approximately 16 km round trip, all on dedicated paths. There is no elevation rise. It is relatively easy, and very beautiful as it hubs both sides of Woods Lake. It can be […]

Rosh Hashana schedule – Evening Sept 15/Day Sept 16

Okanagan Jewish Community Center 102 Snowsell Road North, Kelown

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Friday September 15 at 7 pm. Rosh Hashana Daytime Service: Saturday September 16 at 10 am. Followed by a Rosh Hashana luncheon. Fish will be supplied by OJC. Please bring dairy and pareve side dishes and desserts. Tashlich service follows on Saturday, September 16th after the luncheon. High Holiday services are FREE […]

Yom Kippur Schedule – September 24/25

Sunday, September 24 7:00 pm: Kol Nidre Monday, September 25 10:00 am: Morning Service & Yizkor 6:00 pm: Ne'ilah 7:00 pm: Community potluck break-fast. Please bring dairy and pareve side dishes and desserts to share. High Holiday services are FREE for members. A $100 donation from non-members to help defray costs is appreciated.

Come Celebrate Sukkot Together at OJCC

OJC Parking Lot 102 Snowsell Street North, Kelowna

Come celebrate Sukkot together at the OJCC on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 10 am - noon. We will begin with a Havdalah service at 10:00 am. Bring branches, boughs, flowers, fruit and veggies to decorate the Sukkah. Please bring a hammer and small nails if possible. Make decorations at the craft table with the […]

“Creating POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews” with Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblet

On line on ZOOM

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett is Ronald S. Lauder Chief Curator of the Core Exhibition at POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and University Professor Emerita and Professor Emerita of Performance Studies at New York University. Her books include Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Heritage; Image before My Eyes: A Photographic History of Jewish Life in […]

October Shabbaton Weekend with Rabbi Schachar Orenstein

Beth Shalom sanctuary at OJCC 102 Snowsell Street North, Kelowna

We are delighted to host Rabbi Schachar Orenstein from Montreal for our 3rd Shabbaton weekend in the month of October, 2023. The dates are Friday evening, October 20th, at 6 pm for Shabbat dinner followed by Kabbalat Shabbat service, and again on Saturday morning, October 21st, at 10 am for morning service, followed by a […]

Poetry Reading and Book Signing with Fern G. Z. Carr

OJC Social Hall

As part of our social programming, on Saturday evening, October 21st at 7 pm in the social hall at OJC, we have invited Kelowna’s very own Fern G. Z. Carr to do a poetry reading and book signing. Fern is honoured to have her poetry in orbit around the planet Mars aboard NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft! […]

A Tribute to Holocaust Rescuers -from Abroad and from Vernon!

OJC Social Hall

Corresponding to the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, OJC will be presenting a live event in tribute to those who put their lives in personal danger harboring Jews during the Holocaust. The evening will start with a video presentation of Aristide de Sousa Mendez, Portuguese consul general in Bordeaux, France who saved thousands of persons at […]